Valentine's Day Sweet Treat Recipe

February 14th is right around the corner, Mama!


If you are anything like me, bagged seasonal candy is your go to "that'll do" sweet treat when it comes to Valentine's Day school parties and gifts. Right? Right.

Well... it's true the convenience of conversation hearts and shinny red and pink foil is oh so appealing, but... what's really point if there's no effort of love?

The truth is, love, REAL LOVE, does not come from a store (shocker, I know.)

So V-Day 2018... this is the year I am opting-OUT of candy commercialism and opting-IN to promoting more meaningful gift giving + love encouraging acts of kindness with my kiddos!

Instead of my usual solo Target run at 9:50PM the night before Valentine's Day, the kids and I are making sweet little treats filled with all the goodness that is "made with love"!

Que the marshmallows + white chocolate

This recipe is perfect for any V-Day party treat or simple little "I love you" goody for all those lovely people in you + your kid's lives!


  • ½ cup white chocolate wafers or bits
  • 6 larger marshmallows, we used square flat ones that are marketed for s’mores
  • handful of mini pink marshmallows, the exact ones we used are peppermint flavored
  • shimmery red sprinkles
  • parchment or wax paper

Here we go!

Step 1- Give each helper a piece of parchment paper (taping the corners down to the counter will help keep things tidy and in place).
Step 2- If your little ones are old enough you can have them help you put the mini marshmallows and sprinkles into small bowls so everyone has a mini station to create at.
Step 3- Melt the white chocolate to package instructions, stirring frequently to ensure it doesn’t get too hot for little hands.
Step 4- Help dip the marshmallows in the white chocolate and let them sprinkle on the decorations. Personally, we go a little wild here. We used some classic sprinkles and marshmallows here, but feel free to use any kind of crumbled up cookies, candy bits, or seasonal shape sprinkles! Load those marshmallows up!
Step 5- Lay them flat off to the side on the parchment paper for the chocolate to set. They could also go right into the freezer for a couple minutes to speed up the set time.

These creations are tasty right away but, if you need to make sure you don't eat the whole batch at once (guilty) pop these babies in the freezer for safe keeping. We always like to snack on a few while concocting and then save the rest for packaging in cute little cellophane bags to gift to friends and family.

Fast + easy recipes like this are an AMAZING (and totally tasty) engagement activity for you and your children. Working on fine motor skills while building strong, loving connections (and a product they can be proud of) is a win-win in any mama's book. Engage + love well, my friend.

Happy Valentine's Day to you + yours.

XO, Katie

P.S. If you are looking for a way to really facilitate all the L-O-V-E your child needs from you... join dozens of other caregivers in the #LookUpChallenge and learn tips + tricks on how to love better in the age of technology + cell phones.