Luxe Noodle Necklace


Welcome to the first post in

  A Friendly Affair’s Summer Craft Series! 

Today we are making some pretty serious noodle necklaces. Lois loves stringing beads, or rather, I have her string beads pretty regularly as fine motor development and she has started tolerating the activity. For Christmas this year, we decided to start mass producing them as Lois’ Christmas presents. Further, I am such a huge fan of noodle necklaces in general, I wondered what it would be like if we made noodles that no mama could resist.

Noodle necklaces are easy.  All you need is...

  • acrylic paint
  • a couple of paint brushes
  • some spray paint, some twine, yarn, or your choice of stringing material
  • and of course – Noodles!

When buying your ingredients, be as creative as you want and choose colors that roughly match. I do this so that in the end – no matter what L strings together, chances are I will appreciate the palette.

Notice the diversity of noodles and noodle sizes, and also, the mini spray paint cans that they sell at Hobby Lobby:


When designing your noodles – GO CRAZY! Here is how to add color:

You can lay your noodles out on a sheet to spray paint, splatter paint, or both. OR you can use gallon size bag, a tablespoon or so of acrylic paint, and a pump or two of hand sanitizer. Mix these two things together in the bag, and then add the noodles. Have your kids shake shake shake!’

PS — If you’re enjoying this, please Pin an image or share on Facebook! If you want more, follow me on Insta, like our Facebook page, or sign up for the Summer Craft Series right below or to the right!


Stringing your Noodles:

Listen, there is nothing wrong with a little noodle engineering. Do I pour all the finished noodles out in front of L, all at once? Sometimes. But usually, I pick out the beads that I think go well together, or that I would like to see her work with. That way, the creation is genuinely hers, she chooses the order and what not, but the palette choice is mine. This is important because really and truly –

              I want you to wear these things!


Now the most important part – – WEARING YOU NOODLES!

I knew I had really gone over the edge when Lois doled out her Christmas presents (high fashion noodle necklaces) and the recipients didn’t fall dead with excitement. I truly thought that every time I saw said recipient they would surely, surely be wearing their masterpiece. This has not been the case. I will assume this is because people have trouble styling their very special, hand made, noodle crafts. So without further ado, here are some suggestions for styling your necklaces.

You should rock your necklace:

like you run this town

like Anna Wintour herself calls you every season for fashion advice

like you once cut a woman for not complimenting your noodles

like you’re the mother f-ing boss

while channeling your inner Beyonce 

It really helps if you don this attitude. You will notice that other mothers will start following you around the grocery store, sniffing in your vicinity like you’re their new alpha. Its embarrassing at times, but what can you do? Your necklace IS TRULY that awesome. You can’t blame them…

Here are a few styling ideas. Remember, be bold:


Now for your Summer Craft Series call to action! 

Share your creations with us by tagging them on Facebook or Insta with #afriendlyaffair!

XO – Katie