Inspiring Worldly Kids + My Fave Geography Picture Books


Well! This concludes our latest #afriendlybookseries – “Big World, Small People.” My hope has been to help you find a lovely picture book that would play companion to the Olympics, which have officially begun. The games are guaranteed to peak your kiddos interest in the world and other countries. So hopefully you will find a good book that capitalizes on their interest and provides fun facts or interesting answers to all their many rising questions!

a friendly affair’s favorite geography books:


Atlas of Adventure


The 50 States

Adventures Around the Globe

Around the World with Mouk

Walk This World


At The Same Moment, Around the World

(These are affiliate links which means that at no charge to you, I get a small commission from the purchase of these books. It helps me keep this website afloat and advertisement free.)

For another interesting way to encourage your child’s curiosity about world culture, check out this cute little post I did for Oh Creative Day about pen-palling. I think Pen Pals are a brilliant way to get that interest sparked!

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