Fun with Colors // At Home Science Project

Science + learning can be cool, fun, and entertaining for children of any age.


Exploring + experimenting are a huge part of childhood brain development that is imperative for healthy cognitive decision making and reasoning. Help stimulate your curious child with one of our favorite at home science projects + most loved science-y kidlit reading list!

Wonder + Discovery

Co-creating moments of wonder and discovery with a child is more than just an educational moment of instruction. Encouraging experimentation + exploration, plants little seeds of wonder in a child's mind. Their discoveries + those "ah ha!" moments stimulate + encourage positive learning experiences and genuine excitement to lean in and learn more about the world around them.

Science is an amazing tool that teaches creative problem solving, healthy wondering, and strong reasoning skills. And what mama doesn't want to help her kid's flex those thinking muscles?

Ready to experiment // ALL YOU NEED IS...

  • 3 small glass jelly jars (or any small container really) filled with water
  • 2 large glass mason jars
  • Baby oil
  • Food dye
  • Pipettes/ droppers
  • Drop cloth to catch any spills

Let's explore colors!

Step 1- Fill each small jar with water and drip 2-4 drops of dye into each. We used primary colors to explore what colors make what (without turning everything brown). place pipettes in the colored water.

Step 2- Fill your large mason jars about 2/3 of the way full with baby oil

Step 3- Get to drip-drop color exploring! Instruct your child to drip different droplets of colored water into their oil jars and watch them be amazed. Ask lots of questions and encourage your children to anticipate what colors they can make using the primary red, yellow, and blue. 


Extra tip for continued fun- If your child wants to start fresh, pour the oil off the top into a fresh jar and start again! Make them use those little brains + engage in fun, smart play together. 

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Learning together:

Take every opportunity to celebrate + encourage these kinds of discovery moments. Wondering + experimentation is a practice that for millennia has bettered our civilizations, sharpened minds, and introduced our world to creative developments in every aspect. It might just be colors today, but down the road, a healthy + sound ability to seek answers the "why's" of the world, opens your child's mind to greater discovery.

Check out some of our favorite science reads here that celebrate some of the amazing scientists + discoveries that have changed our world.

Now go have fun, engage + co-create moments of discovery!

Look up, Mama.


If you are ready to get serious about encouraging wonder in your child... take my FREE #LookUpChallenge here

Join me + hundreds of other caregivers for 7 days of building better, intentional habits to encourage deeper, life-giving connections with your child. Learn tips + tricks on how to love better and engage deeper in the age of technology + cell phones.