Traveling Wise Men

A Christ centered 'elf on the shelf' tradition

I like the idea of giving your children fantasies around the holidays.

Most people do, which is why the Elf has such allure. holiday fantasy is fun and harmless. One of the ways we do this kind of magical mystery during Advent is with the wise men from our nativity. We convinced our daughter Lois not too long ago, that they come alive at night, and driven toward the star, the wise men will chase it where ever she hides it all season long.


We read the story of the wise men, using our handy dandy Story Book Bible. Lois and I then created a custom star to keep them occupied and to keep us mystified while we all wait for the baby Jesus. Every evening she thoughtfully hides her star, and every morning the wise men have travelled to it! On Christmas Eve we will place her star in its final position above where the baby Jesus will make his grand entrance.

As she gets older, and the nuances of the Christmas Story become more apparent, the wise men won’t land at their final place until Epiphany – January 5 or so.


Kidlit Pairing

There also is a book and wooden nativity set called The Christmas Star from Afar, available at Chapel Farm Collection or Page and Palette here in Fairhope, that has a story about the nativity and the wise men. It is cute and the nativity is quality. It makes for a great play thing and a good gift.
