licensed clinical PSYCHOLOGIST
I want to help you be a more attentive and effective parent. I also want to help you create more positive interactions in your home. Get started by taking my FREE Lookup Challenge today.
This awesome packet is one of my favorites! In it, you will find several helpful tools to help you raise socially and emotionally competent children. Who doesn’t need a little extra support to make sure that you raise kind kids, with good social skills, and the security to grow in confidence?
What’s included:
A cheatsheet of 34 of the best “emotion-words” that you can begin incorporating into your family life right now. Support your child’s vocabulary so that they can know themselves, express themselves, and tantrum a little less.
A thorough list of social and emotional competencies so that you know what behaviors to encourage so that your child is ready for school and a life of relational success
A cheatsheet of activities you can incorporate or offer that encourage emotional and social growth/confidence
A 30 MINUTE, THOROUGH power point presentation of the 5 VERY BEST WAYS to encourage emotional health and wellbeing in your children, starting as early as the first year! I love getting a chance to teach you with pre-recorded videos. They make learning so easy and fun.
Several activities and checklists of items and activities that you can do with your baby to build relationship, intellect, and emotional well-being.
What’s included:
Two “What to Do with Baby + When” activity lists, designed by moi! (2-6 months // 6-12 months)
An “Ages and Stages” Checklist to help you track with how neurotypical babies develop. This is such a great asset to help you appropriately encourage your baby at the right time and with the right tools!
Three bonus sheets from Zero to Three that will not only give you activities for you and your child but also explain WHY - so that you can get right to the heart of the issue and innovate new activities if you want.
Postpartum Depression Questionnaire ….because I want my customers to feel supported in knowing themselves, their limitations, and when to ask for help!
Now this bundle is MAJOR(ly) packed with awesome stuff! Not only will you get a thorough review (with videos and power point presentations) of the 5 R’s of Brain Development, you will also get several cheatsheets and insightful handouts that will help you make sure your baby’s brain + intellect are off to the most powerful start of any parenting program ever (in my humble opinion).
Whats included:
Powerpoint Presentation that walks you through the very best ways for you to encourage healthy brain development and intellectual growth in very young children or infants 0-3 years old. This is serious.
A video from Zero to Three explaining your child’s brain, it’s needs, and how you can activate all the best stuff in baby from the very beginning.
A worksheet to help you clearly define your parenting goals and set your intentions on the best parenting practices for your family.
The brain development worksheets from the “What to do with your baby when” eBundle ($7 value)
Postpartum Depression - because no matter your stage, I want to make sure that my customers are supported!